Guests from Sweden visiting one of the pilot Counties (Kisumu) for the SymbioCity project
Background (Role of the committee)
The Urban Development Committee (UDC) was constituted to consider all matters relating to urban development and regulations; investment and urban planning policies. Due to the magnitude of the urban challenges and in recognition of the importance of strategic partnerships with competent agencies and authorities, the committee is keen to harness the knowledge and best practices that exist in the urban development sphere to inspire an era of urban regeneration.
In addition, the committee provides technical assistance in terms of information, research, policy analysis, and resource development for County Governments across a range of policy issues targeting the growth of urban areas as engines of county economy.
Legal framework
The primary source of legislation of the Land, Planning & Urban Development committee's activities is the constitution of kenya 2010. The other key sources of legislation include:
- The County Governments Act 2012
- The Urban Areas and Cities Act 2012, Amended 2016
- The Land Act 2012
- The Land Registration Act 2012
- The Land Laws Amendment Act 2016
- The Community Land Act 2016
- The Physical Planning Act 1996 (Revised 2009
- The Survey Act Cap 299(Revised 2012)
- The National Land Commission Act 2012
- The Environment and Land Court Act 2011
Approach to undertaking Committee’s business)
The committee functions through: -
- Development of a framework to guide and assist County Governments in the establishment of institutional structures for the management of urban areas, as envisaged in Urban Areas and Cities Act.
- Creating forums for sharing of emerging issues and best practices, including modalities for prioritization and promotion of urban areas as engines of socio-economic growth.
- Providing platform for review and mainstreaming of on-going urban development programmes, within respective county integrated development plans (CIDPs).
- Providing a framework for the review and mainstreaming development partner’s engagement and support to county governments on urban development and management issues.
Status Briefs (current agendas/issued being addressed by the Committee)
The Urban Development Committee is finalizing the process of amending the Urban Areas and Cities Act, 2011 to ensure conformity with the Constitution with regards to the structure and functions of devolved system of government. This will ensure coordination of urban development programs at the County level where the direct mandate for urban governance and management resides.
Opportunities that the Committee Offers
Urban development agenda provides a platform for increased investments in infrastructure projects in Counties, which is bound to hasten the urbanization process, as envisaged in Vision 2030-Kenya’s blueprint for becoming a middle-income Country by 2030.
Impact/Breakthroughs/Key Achievements
- Effective participation in national policy formulation process for example the national housing policy.
- Advocated for review of national legislations to recognize the devolved rightful role of County Governments in land, planning and urban development laws. This included litigation on behalf of Counties to suspend parts of the community land act, amendment of the urban areas and cities and presenting memoranda and positions papers to national assembly and senate.
- Influence Land regulations through galvanizing input form Counties.
- Regular mobilization of Counties for consultation and sensitization on land and urban agenda
- Successful engagements with Counties on urban issues including advisories on important matters.
- Development of the County Spatial Planning guidelines in collaboration with Ministry of Lands and Physical Planning. Some Counties have started to prepare County Spatial Plans while others have completed and launched
- Capacity assessment of Counties in planning and GIS and training.
- Some Counties have established urban governance structures like municipal boards and town committees
- Over 50 counties have invested in urban safety through street lighting
- Knowledge sharing activities by Counties through peer to peer exchange.
1. Building Surveyors Bill 2017
2. Physical Planning Bill 2017
2. POM KUSP - Vol I (November 2017)
3. POM KUSP - Vol II (November 2017)
4. POM KUSP - Annex 15 Financial Procedures Manual
5. Guidance Note-Establishment of Municipalities
6. Guidance Notes-Model Municipal Charter
7. Spatial planning Guidelines 2018
9. Summary of conclusions from Urban Leadership Forum
10. Exemplar county spatial plan booklet
11. Planning our towns a toolkit for inclusive urban Development in Kenya